Office of Prevnt of Domest Violnce

Titles included in the NY HELPS program will clearly be identified.

Agency Titles

Admnv Assistant 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 11 - Approximately 2 positions

Admnv Assistant 2

Grade 15 - Approximately 1 position

Admnv Specialist 1 - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 1 position

Assoc Counsel

Grade 28 - Approximately 1 position

Contract Management Specialis… - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 2 positions

Empire Fellow

Grade NS - Approximately 2 positions

Gender Violence Prevention Ad…

Grade M-1 - Approximately 5 positions

Gender Violence Prevention Sp…

Grade 18 - Approximately 14 positions

Gender Violence Prevention Sp…

Grade 23 - Approximately 11 positions

Office Assnt 1 Keyboarding - NY HELPS

Grade 06 - Approximately 1 position

Program Aide - NY HELPS

Grade 13 - Approximately 1 position

Project Coord

Grade NS - Approximately 1 position

Public Information Specialist…

Grade 18 - Approximately 1 position

Senr Admnv Analyst - NY HELPS

Grade 18 - Approximately 1 position

Student Assnt

Grade NS - Approximately 1 position

15 titles in this agency.

Approximately 45 positions* in this agency.

The Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence develops statewide polices to support the safety of domestic violence victims and hold abusers accountable, promotes coordinated and consistent responses to domestic violence by providing training and education programs for criminal justice, health care, and social service professionals, prosecutors, and judges; coordinates the efforts of public agencies which provide services or funding for services, and functions as a clearinghouse for domestic violence information in New York State.

* The number of approximate positions in GOT-IT are the total positions, both filled and vacant.